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Lowertown, Saint Paul, MN

Lowertown Landing is dedicated to supporting the continued growth and rejuvenation of the Lowertown historic district of Saint Paul, Minnesota.

Weiming Lu, The Tao of Urban Rejuvenation Book Launch


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Weiming Lu, The Tao of Urban Rejuvenation Book Launch

  • Landmark Center 75 W 5th St St. Paul, MN 55102 (map)

Join Weiming Lu and the Preservation Alliance of Minnesota as we gather together to celebrate the publication of Weiming's book, The Tao of Urban Rejuvenation. RSVP NOW!

Weiming Lu is one of America’s leading visionaries in urban revitalization. As the prime mover behind Lowertown’s revival in St. Paul, he showed the nation how the reimagining of old warehouses and office buildings could bring new vitality to an aging downtown. In The Tao of Urban Rejuvenation, he tells how such an urban village can be created elsewhere. This book is a testament to the power of a great idea, and I highly recommend it.
— Richard Moe, President Emeritus, National Trust for Historic Preservation

Weiming Lu captures an entire career devoted to the revitalization of cities in this colorful and accessible book. Though he focuses on his long career in Minneapolis, St. Paul, and Dallas, the lessons he learned there have relevance for cities everywhere. Anyone interested in how to improve city living and increase urban vitality will find this book of value.
— Tom Fisher, Dean, School of Design, University of Minnesota


Brought to you by the Preservation Alliance of Minnesota, Lowertown Landing, and Historic St. Paul