The Best 100 Juried Art Exhibition is an event sponsored by the Saint Paul Jaycees that allows high school students in the area to submit artwork to be displayed during the month of March at the AZ Gallery.
Opening Gala: March 6, 6:30 pm
Gallery Hours: March 6 - 30, 2014 (Thursday and Friday, 5-8 pm; Saturday and Sunday, 9 am - 3 pm)
This event is free and open to the public
Started in 1957, this year is the 57th Anniversary of the Les Farrington Best 100 Juried Art Exhibition. Saint Paul area high school students are invited to submit their original artwork for competition to be judged by a panel of three jurors from the art community. Students will be honored for their artwork by receiving award certificates and various cash scholarships totaling $4,400.
The Les Farrington Best 100 Juried Art Exhibition Gallery Opening & Awards Reception is a culmination of several hours of volunteer work, judging, teacher communication and selection of the best 100 pieces. Join Jaycees, student honorees and their guests, judges and local educators for this exciting evening as the Jaycees honor the students whose “best 100″ pieces were selected for the art exhibition. The Jaycees will award more than $4,000 in scholarships, pass out the awards and view the exhibition. Your assistance is appreciated as they create a welcoming atmosphere for our guests, share information about the St. Paul Jaycees and host the overall gallery opening.