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Lowertown, Saint Paul, MN

Lowertown Landing is dedicated to supporting the continued growth and rejuvenation of the Lowertown historic district of Saint Paul, Minnesota.

Refresh & Be Fashionably Social...


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Refresh & Be Fashionably Social...

  • The Northwestern Building 275 East 4th Street, Studio 555 (5th Floor) Saint Paul, MN 55101 (map)

The Lowertown studios of makeup artist and hair stylist Nicole Fae and photographer Chris McDuffie will be the location of the April 30 "Refresh & Be Fashionably Social" event hosted by Fashion Group International of Minneapolis-St. Paul. This event is open to the public. Each guest will receive a mini-makeover by Nicole and her team then Chris will take head shots (each guest will receive two photos - one for business, one for casual/lifestyle). Nicole has worked her artistry on Hollywood celebs - now she and her team will get you ready for your close up! Also, a panel of top Twin Cities social media experts will offer free advice for innovative, effective ways of promoting your business or services and there will be delicious hors d'oeuvres and great networking opportunities! For details and ticket information please visit